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Definitive Proof Blair Waldorf From Gossip Girl, Brooke Davis From One Tree Hill, and Summer Roberts From The OC Are the Same

When she returns to Tree Hill, she finds out that Haley has decided to turn Brooke's former store back into Karen's Cafe now that she's moving to New York, causing Brooke to finally tell Haley that she turned down the job and is staying in Tree Hill because she's pregnant.

  • After a bachelorette party thrown by Haley in which Brooke, Millie, Quinn, Alex, and Sylvia get extremely drunk and wake up not remembering the night before, the girls run around town with clues they find piecing together the events that took place.

  • After Julian and Haley help her realize it's Victoria's own fault she's behind bars and and she's the reason Brooke was forced to sell, she goes back to the prison and tells Victoria off, saying everything she's ever done was only done to make her proud, and regardless of whether or Julian and Brooke skydiving.

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Following the time capsule's release, Jimmy Edwards threw the town into chaos when he brought a gun into the high school.

  • Brooke tells Julian she doesn't want the job in New York.

  • She and Lydia have a close bond.