Nostale ts 60 - Complete Newbie’s Guide (Nostale)

60 nostale ts [Release] Phoenix

Level 41

60 nostale ts Complete Newbie’s

60 nostale ts Nostale Guide

60 nostale ts Level 41

60 nostale ts Steam Community

Todo sobre Nostale: Resistencias gratis

60 nostale ts [Release] Phoenix

60 nostale ts Steam Community

Steam Community :: NosTale

60 nostale ts Complete Newbie’s

60 nostale ts Guía Nostale

Complete Newbie’s Guide (Nostale)

60 nostale ts Level 41

Guía Nostale 1.0

Nostale Guide

Pyro-Stone Used to create Fire resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

  • Mother Cuby Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

  • Allow others to enter your mini land when used.

Guía Nostale 1.0

Ich bin nicht im Team.

  • The second value reduces the chance for an opponent to hit you with Short-range attacks only.

  • Monsters Monsters are enemies you face during your adventure.